Yasou and welcome to The Hellenic PageTM©. I am cataloging and producing items of interest to members of the Greek Diaspora and their descendants, as well as to philhellenes around the world. Submit your pages, sources, addresses, criticisms, and/or praise using the handy form. I am also proud to provide The Hellenic Page©TM Community CenterTM. a listing of your home pages.
Contact: gjp@hellenicpage.com
Greeks for Kerry-Greek Americans supporting Sen. John Kerry
Greeks for Bush-Greeks supporting President Bush
(3/25/2000) Happy Greek Independence Day !!!
(3/17/2000) We are back in production, so expect new content daily. We thank you for your patience. In the meantime, we request the following from you.
To all U.S. Citizens & Residents. You should be receiving the 2000 Census form this week. First, because it is the law and all information is kept private for 70 years, we strongly recommend that everyone fill out the form. Secondly, by fulfilling this Constitutional Duty, we are embracing the society and democracy that we, our parents, and/or grandparents were accepted in and has given us such great security and prosperity. Finally, as an ethnic group, we tend to disappear into the woodwork when compared to other groups. Sure we are the second wealthiest and most educated, but when we march, it is usally in a parade. To this end, we here at The Hellenic Page suggest that as a community we declare ourselves as Greek. If people from Spain and those from south of the border who are 100% of European stock can declare themselves to be "Hispanic" even though they are Caucasian, why shouldn't we?
INSTRUCTIONS FOR DECLARING AN ETHNICITY: Check the "Some other race" box and enter GREEK in the space provided for the "Some other race" write-in.
(11/9/96) New logos, more back-scenes work, and a new section, The Week In Review, a weekly round-up of news for the Hellenic Community.
(9/9/96) Thanks for all your e-mail. My Dissertation and the programming necessary for new features has taken longer than expected. I hope to announce these new features soon. In the meanwhile, please contact your government to protest the Turkish atrocities in Cyprus. Info on the crisis from CNN.
(6/10/96) Due to the growth of the page, individual headings have been split and can be obtained via the Index (Scroll down, you'll find it). This page has also been enhanced for Netscape 2 & 3 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 2 & 3. Full text search is now available but still somewhat primitive.
(6/9/96) As promised, 17 new links! If you have a page that you want linked, just ask.
(6/1/96) I'm proud to announce four new changes at The Hellenic Page©:
Now back to writing my Doctoral Dissertation....
A review of this site appeared in Yahoo! unplugged, published by IDG Books in 1995:
"The Hellenic Page http://www.webcom.com/gjp/hellenic.html or http://hellenicpage.com
Cool site with Greek information arranged in categories like Classical, Hellenistic, and Byzantine Studies (art, architecture, literature, & more), and information on the modern Greek Diaspora. There is also a form you can use to add your own page, and a good "What's New" section."
Another review appeared in NetGuide(1/96):
"The Hellenic Page/GreekNET. The wonder that is Greece:Art, religions, politics, recipes, Byzantine Heritage, and a people page that cautions "Beware of Greeks bearing GIFs. Rating ***."
Separate words with a comma to find matches with any of those words; separate words with semicolons to find only matches having all those words. This feature is slowly being built, so please be patient.
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The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrystosom
The most often used liturgy and arguably the most beautiful in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
ArchNet: WWW VL - Archaeology
The finest listing of archaeology sites on the web.
W.M. Leake, Travels in Northern Greece, Vol. II home page
Hypertext version of Leake's Travels and Explorations of Northern Greece. Originally published in 1835.
Dept. of Greek and Roman Civilization, University of Dublin
Greek & Roman Civ. "Wanna-Be Archaeologists" Page
Links for the armchair archaeologist.
Arachnion. A Journal of Literature and Ancient History on the Web
WWW Web Sites: Ancient History
A collection of Ancient History links organized by historic periods.
Archivio Magna Graecia
In Italian.
TOCS-IN archives the tables of contents of over 150 journals of interest to classicists.
Dept. of Classical Archaeology & Ancient History, Uppsala
Software for Classicists
Oxford University Collection.
General information about the ThesaurusLinguae Graecae, a CD-ROM collection of all known ancient Greek works.
The Pan-Macedonian Network was created to educate and serve all who are interested in the exchange of information dealing with all aspects of Macedonian life.
Turkish Destruction of Cypriot Churches
Examines the destruction of Orthodox Churches in occupied Cyprus.
General Internet Directories:
[ Yahoo * WWW Virtual Library * TradeWave Galaxy * Univ. Michigan Clearinghouse ]
[ Lycos * GNN - Whole Internet Catalog * Planet Earth Internet Services List * Web Crawler ]
Copyright © 1996 by The Hellenic Page. Items copyright © 1994-1996 by George John Pappas
All rights reserved. Commercial use of the information provided on this site is strictly forbidden.
Page Last Modified August 18, 2000 11:22 AM EST
Page Established June 21, 1994 Trademarks: "The Hellenic Page" and "hellenicpage.com" are Trademarks of George J. Papanicolaou, Ph.D.
Dedicated to John G. and Theodora T. Pappas